Application and Registration Process
Getting Started
Application and Registration Process
Step1. Checking Quotation for the Program(s)
Quotation Table: A table showing program quotations (students in numbers for related semester).
- Quoatation tables are announced in our web site (// in july or august for fall semesters, in december or january for spring semesters
- Quotation tables are composed of four main columns which are “Programs”, “Turkish”, “International” and “Transfer Quotas”. “Transfer Quotas” column is also composed of two sub columns which are “Turkish” and “International”.

- Quotation table of related semester should be checked carefully when deciding which program(s) would be applied.
- Quotation table of related semester can be reached via Graduate School of Health Sciences web site → Students → Quotas.
- International candidates should check “International” column for available quotation.
Step2. Checking Graduate School of Health Sciences General Terms of Application
To be able to apply for a program of Graduate School of Health Sciences, “Graduate School of Health Sciences General Terms of Application” must be met.
- Graduate School of Health Sciences General Terms of Application
- Master of Science (Without Thesis)
- To have a bachelors diploma of the programs suggested by related Department Academic Board and approved by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board.
- To have at least minimum general competency score [ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam), GMAT, (*)TUS, (*)YDUS score] suggested by related Department Academic Board and approved by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board. (If it is demanded)
- To have at least minimum foreign language score (YDS, YOKDIL, TIPDIL, CPE, CAE, TOEFL-IBT, PTE score) suggested by related Department Academic Board and approved by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board.
- To have at least C1 level TOMER (Turkish and Foreign Language Application and Research Center) certificate. (For international candidates)
- To have a diploma equivalence certificate from YOK (Council of Higher Education). (For international candidates and Turkish candidates obtained diploma in foreign countries.)
- Master of Science (With Thesis)
- To have a bachelors diploma of the programs suggested by related Department Academic Board and approved by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board.
- To have at least 60 general competency score for ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam). (GRE, GMAT, scores may substitute for ALES score)
- To have at least 60 score for YDS (Foreign Language Exam). (YOKDIL, TIPDIL, CPE, CAE, TOEFL-IBT, PTE scores may substitute for YDS)
- To have at least C1 level TOMER (Turkish and Foreign Language Application and Research Center) certificate. (For international candidates). (Not neccessary for the programs which are in candiadte’s native language)
- To have a diploma equivalence certificate from YOK (Council of Higher Education). (For international candidates and Turkish candidates obtained diploma in foreign countries.)
- Doctorate (PhD)
- To have a master of science diploma of the programs suggested by related Department Academic Board and approved by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board or a bachelors diploma for medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary faculties graduates.
- To have at least 60 general competency score for ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam). (GRE, GMAT, (*)TUS, (*)YDUS scores may substitute for ALES score)
*For candidates planning to apply doctorate programs in basic medicinal sciences, TUS (Examination for Specialty in Medicine) or YDUS (Examination for Sub-Branch) 60 basic medicinal score may substitute for ALES.
Basic medicinal score is calculated as follows:
Basic medicinal score = [(Basic medicinal sicences test score)*0.7] + [(Clinical medicinal sciences test score)*0.3]
- To have at least 70 score for YDS (Foreign Language Exam). (YOKDIL, TIPDIL, CPE, CAE, TOEFL-IBT, PTE scores may substitute for YDS)
- To have at least C1 level TOMER (Turkish and Foreign Language Application and Research Center) certificate. (For international candidates). (Not neccessary for the programs which are in candiadte’s mother language)
- To have a diploma equivalence certificate from YOK (Council of Higher Education). (For international candidates and Turkish candidates obtained diploma in foreign countries.)
Step3. Checking Application Requirements of the Program
Application Requirements of the Program should be checked carefully since each program may have specific requirements.
- To reach individual application requirements of the programs:
- Click // for Hacettepe University Course Catalogue / ECTS Information Package
- Click “Degree Programmes” and than click “Second Cylce Degree” for master’s programs or “Third Cycle Degree” for doctorate programs.
- Find the program you want to apply (you may use “Ctrl+F” combination) and click it.
- “Provisions for Registrations” can be seen in D.4. section.
Step4. Online Application
Applications for Graduate School of Health Sciences’ Programs are made online via Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System.
- Steps of online application are given below. Please use Candidate Users’ Guide to complete online application easily.
- Being a member
- Candidate application
- Entering cadidate information to the system
- Registering candidate information and obtaining ID and password
- Candidate log in
- Candidate application
- Choosing the program that have been decided to apply.
- Uploading required documents to the system.
- Photograph (.pdf)
- Diploma or Graduation Certificate (.pdf)
- One (1) bachelor’s diploma or graduation certificate for MSc applications. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- One (1) bachelor’s diploma or graduation certificate and one (1) MSc diploma or graduation certificate for PhD applications. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary faculty graduates applying directly for doctorate degree programs should upload scanned bachelor’s diploma (or graduation certificate) to both bachelor’s and MSc graduation sections. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- Transcript (.pdf)
- One (1) bachelor’s transcript indicating grade point average (GPA) for MSc applications. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- One (1) bachelor’s and one (1) MSc transcript indicating grade point average (GPA) for PhD applications. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary faculty graduates applying directly for doctorate degree programs should upload scanned bachelor’s transcript to both bachelor’s and MSc transcript sections. (Scanned original document or scanned certified copy)
- GPA’s are accepted according to 100 grading system.
* If the original transcript is prepared in 100 grading system, the grade point average will be considered. If the original transcript is prepared in 4 grading system, Council of Higher Education’s (YOK’s) conversation table will be used to convert 4 grading system to 100 grading system.
- Diploma Supplements are not acceptable as transcripts.
- General Competancy Score Document (.pdf)
- General Competancy Score must be obtained in the last 5 years. (Council of Higher Education’s (YOK’s) decision on General Competancy Scores validity)
ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) Score Document. [OSYM (Assessment Selection and Placement Center) Exam Result Document].
Candidates must achieve the minimum score specified in the table showing minimum ALES scores and score type.
GRE – GMAT score may substitute for ALES. GRE(139-170)-ALES or GMAT-ALES tables must be used for applications with GRE – GMAT score.
Candidates may apply to the graduate programs in basic medical sciences with the score of Speciaslization Exam in Medicine (TUS) score.
* TUS score is calculated as follows. [(basic medical sciences score) x 0.7 + (clinical medical sciences score) x 0.3]. TUS score must be at least 60.
- Foreign Language Score Document (.pdf)
- Foreign Language Score must be obtained in the last five years.
YDS (Foreign Language Exam) Score Document. [OSYM (Assessment Selection and Placement Center) Exam Result Document].
Candidates may learn minimum YDS scores required for programs, using the table showing minimum YDS scores.
YOKDIL scores may substitute for YDS scores. YOKDIL scores are processed same as YDS scores. (YOK’s decision on YOKDIL-YDS equivalence)
CPE, CAE, TOEFL iBT, PTE Academic scores may substitute for YDS. OSYM Equivalence Table will be used for applications with these exam scores.
- Printing “Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form”
- After uploading required documents to the system, application can be seen in “Başvurularım (applications)” tab and “Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form” can be taken via using “Çıktı al (print)” button.
- “Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form” must be signed by the candidate.
Step5. Enterance Exam
Enterance Exam: An oral exam made by enterance exam jury (Lecturers of the department).
- Candidates who have completed their applications should be present at the exam venue, at the specified date and time with “Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form” and the print outs of the documents that the candidate have uploaded to the system.
- Some departmensts demands two reference letters with “Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form” and print outs of the uploaded documents. For the table of departments demanding two reference letters click here.
- Exam Assessment
[Transcript Grade Point Average (GPA) (100-note grading system)] * %20
(General Competancy Score) * %50
(Enterance Exam Score) * %30
- Interview results are not announced as a list.
- Candidates should check their e-mail or log in as a candidate to learn their status.
Step6. Final Registration
Candidates who have passed the enterance exam and achieved the right to enroll should deliver some documents to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs individually.
- Required Documents for Final Registration
- Candidate’s Registration and Exam Entry Form (must be signed by the candidate)
- Diploma or Graduation Certificate
- One (1) bachelor’s diploma or graduation certificate for MSc applications. (The original document must be shown and a copy must be delivered)
- One (1) bachelor’s diploma or graduation certificate and one (1) MSc diploma or graduation certificate for PhD applications. (The original document must be shown and a copy must be delivered
- Turkish translation of diploma or graduate certificate (For international candidates)
- Transcript
- One (1) bachelor’s transcript indicating grade point average (GPA) for MSc applications. (Original document must be delivered)
- One (1) bachelor’s and one (1) MSc transcript indicating grade point average (GPA) for PhD applications. (Original document must be delivered)
* GPA’s are accepted according to 100 grading system.
If the original transcript is prepared in 100 grading system, the grade point average will be considered. If the original transcript is prepared in 4 grading system, Council of Higher Education’s (YOK’s) conversation table will be used to convert 4 grading system to 100 grading system.
** Diploma Supplements are not acceptable as transcripts.
- Turkish translation of transcript (For international candidates)
- General Competancy Score Document (The candidate should write the sentence “I hereby declare the validity of this document” on the document and sing it.)
* General Competancy Scores must be obtained in the last 5 years. [Council of Higher Education’s (YOK’s) decision on General Competancy Scores validity]
- ALES (Academic Personnel and Postgraduate Education Entrance Exam) Score Document. [OSYM (Assessment Selection and Placement Center) Exam Result Document].
Candidates must achieve the minimum score specified in the table showing minimum ALES scores and score type.
GRE – GMAT score may substitute for ALES. GRE(139-170)-ALES or GMAT-ALES tables must be used for applications with GRE – GMAT score.
Candidates may apply to the graduate programs in basic medical sciences with the score of Speciaslization Exam in Medicine (TUS) score.
TUS score is calculated as follows. [(basic medical sciences score) x 0.7 + (clinical medical sciences score) x 0.3]. TUS score must be at least 60.
- Foreign Language Score Document (The candidate should write the sentence “I hereby declare the validity of this document” on the document and sing it.)
* Foreign Language Score must be obtained in the last five years.
- YDS (Foreign Language Exam) Score Document. [OSYM (Assessment Selection and Placement Center) Exam Result Document].
* Candidates may learn minimum YDS scores required for programs, using the table showing minimum YDS scores.
- YOKDIL scores may substitute for YDS scores. YOKDIL scores are processed same as YDS scores. (YOK’s decision on YOKDIL-YDS equivalence)
- CPE, CAE, TOEFL iBT, PTE Academic scores may substitute for YDS. OSYM Equivalence Table will be used for applications with these exam scores.
- Copy of ID Card (2 sides in one A4 page)
- Copy of Passport (2 sides in A4 page)
- Photograph (2 portreit photographs)
- Hacettepe University ID application form (For candidates requesting Hacettepe University ID card)
- Turkish and Foreign Language Application and Research Center (TOMER) Certificate (at C1 level)(For international candicates) (Not necessary for programs which gives education in candidate’s native language.)
- Diploma Equivalence Certificate (For international candidates and Turkish candidates who has first and/or second cycle degrees in foreign countries)
* YOK’s decision on "The Obligation of Diploma Equivalence Certificate"
** Candidates with no "Diploma Equivalence Certificate" may apply with "YOK Recognition Document" but if YOK doesn't approve the "Diploma Equivalence Certificate" when Graduate School of Health Sciences forwards students registration to YOK, the registration of the student will be invalid.
- Employment Certificate (For research assistants)
* Reserach assistants should deliver their employment certificates prepared by their faculties to Student Affairs. Otherwise they will not be registered.
- Foreign National Number (For international candidates) (a number given from Turkish Republic General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs such as “YU9…..”)
- Certificate of Residance (For international candidates)
*A document that shows where an international candidate resides.
* The documents delivered to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs must be readable, clear and complete. If it is determined that the information presented is incorrect, false or incomplete, the final registration will not gain validity and will be canceled by the Institute even if it was done.
Step7. Getting Student ID Number and Password
- When student affairs division complete candidate’s final registration process, student ID number and password are sent to candidate’s e-mail address or mobile phone.
- After this stage the candidate is a Hacettepe University Graduate School of Health Sciences Student and can enter the system as a student.
* In order to get a Student ID Card, a student should fill in “Kimlik Talep Formu (ID Application Form)” and deliver it to Graduate School of Helath Sciences Students Affairs division between the days indicated in Academic Calender (Beginning of “Registration of New Students” – End of “Tuition Payments and Course Enrollments”).
Step8. Tuition Payments
- Which students pay tuition?
- Turkish students who exceeded normal learning duration, pays 343 TL per semester beginning from the end of normal learning duration.
* Normal learning durations
- Master of Science Without Thesis: 2 semesters (independently from any courses selected or not)
- Master of Science With Thesis: 4 semesters (independently from any courses selected or not)
- Doctorate: 8 semesters (independently from any courses selected or not)
- Integrated Doctorate: 10 semesters (independently from any courses selected or not)
- An international student pays 6690 TL per semester if he/she is not a Turkish Scolarship Student or a Government Scholarship Student.
- In case of being registered to two different universities and if registration date of Hacettepe University is chronologically after other university, a Turkish student pays 557.50 TL for Hacettepe University.
* Tuition is 1,5 times normal tuition when a program’s education language is different from Turkish.
Step9. Finding out The Supervisor
- The student can find out who his/her supervisor is via logging in Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (BILSIS).
- Supervisors are appointed according to “Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Danışmanlık Yönergesi (Graduate School of Health Sciences Supervision Instructions)” by Graduate School of Health Sciences Board.
Step10. Course Selection
- The student decides which courses to be selected with his/her supervisor and make, confirm the selection and take 3 print outs via logging in Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (BILSIS).
- The student makes the Head of Department and the supervisor sign the print outs and sings them himself/herself as well.
- The student deliver one of the signed print outs to Department, one of them to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs and keeps the last one.
* The courses selected via Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (PRENS) by a student, who had not delivered one of the course selection print outs to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs, will be deleted from the system and the student will be deemed to have not selected any courses.
Step11. Add - Drop
- The student willing to make changes in his/her course list, specify the final form of his/her course list with his/her supervisor, confirms it and take 3 print outs via logging in Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (BILSIS).
- The student make the Head of Department and the supervisor sign the print outs and sings them himself/herself as well.
- The student deliver one of the signed print outs to Department, one of them to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs and keeps the last one.
* The courses added or dropped via Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (BILSIS) by a student, who had not delivered one of the add - drop print outs to Graduate School of Health Sciences Student Affairs, will be ignored.
** There is no need to make anything in Graduate School of Health Sciences Information System (BILSIS) for students not planning any changes in their course lists.