Graduate School of Health Sciences
Prospective Student
Academic Personnel
Administrative Personnel
Quality Assurance
Mission and Vision
Administrative Staff
Organization Diagram
Academic Calendar
Information System
MD-PhD Program
Useful Documents
Application and Registration
Course Catalogue / ECTS Information Package
ALES - Foreign Language Scores
Flow Charts
Prospective Student
Academic Personnel
Administrative Personnel
Mission and Vision
Administrative Staff
Organization Diagram
Academic Calendar
Information System
MD-PhD Program
Useful Documents
Application and Registration
Course Catalogue / ECTS Information Package
ALES - Foreign Language Scores
Flow Charts
Graduate School of Health Sciences
Adolescent Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Advanced Neonataloji Research Master of Science (MSc)
Advanced Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Advanced Neurosciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Advanced Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Analytical Chemistry Master of Sciences (MSc)
Analytical Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Anatomy Master of Science (MSc)
Anatomy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Audiology Master of Science (MSc)
Audiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Basic Immunology Master of Science (MSc)
Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Basic Surgical Research Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Biochemistry Master of Science (MSc)
Biochemistry Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Bioinformatics Master of Science (MSc)
Bioinformatics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Biopharmaceutics And Pharmacokinetics Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Biopharmaceutics And Pharmacokinetics Master of Science (MSc)
Biopharmaceutics And Pharmacokinetics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Biophysics Master of Science (MSc)
Biophysics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Biostatistics Master of Science (MSc)
Biostatistics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Cancer Biochemistry Master of Science (MSc)
Cancer Epidemiology Master of Science (MSc)
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Master of Science (MSc)
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Child Abuse and Neglect Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Child Development And Education Master of Science (MSc)
Child Development and Education Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Clinical Neurosciences Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Clinical Nutrition Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Clinical Pharmacy Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Clinical Pharmacy Master of Science (MSc)
Clinical Pharmacy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Clinical Trials Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Community Nutrition Master of Science (MSc)
Conservative Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Cosmetology Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Cosmetology Master of Science (MSc)
Critical Care Nursing Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Critical Care Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Dental Public Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Dietetics Master of Science (MSc)
Drug Research and Development Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Endodontics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Environmental Medicine Master of Science (MSc)
Epidemiology Master of Science (MSc)
Epidemiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Exercise and Sport Physiology Master of Science (MSc)
Exercise and Sport Physiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Family Medicine Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Food Service Systems Master of Science (MSc)
Fundamentals Of Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Fundamentals Of Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Genetics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Health Education Master of Science (MSc)
Health Education Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Health Management in Disasters Master of Science (MSc)
Health Policy And Administration Master of Science (MSc)
Health Policy And Administration Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Histology-Embryology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Hospital Clinical Pharmacy Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Immunology Master of Science (MSc)
Immunology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Intensive Care Physiotherapy Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Internal Medicine Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Internal Medicine Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Medical Biology Master of Science (MSc)
Medical Biology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Medical Education Master of Science (MSc)
Medical Education Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Medical Pharmacology Master of Science (MSc)
Medical Pharmacology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Microbiology Master of Science (MSc)
Microbiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Molecular and Immunological Basis of Allergic Diseases Master of Science (MSc)
Molecular Metabolism Master of Science (MSc)
Molecular Metabolism Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Molecular Nephrology Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Movement and Training Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Movement and Training Sciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Neuro-Electrophysiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Neurology Physiotherapy Master of Science (MSc)
Neurology Physiotherapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Neurosciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Neurosciences Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (English)
Nursing Fundamentals and Management Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Nursing Services Administration Master of Science (MSc)
Nutrition And Dietetics Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Nutrition And Dietetics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Nutrition And Food Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Nutritional Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Obstetrics And Gynecological Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Obstetrics And Gynecological Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Occupational Health Master of Science (MSc)
Occupational Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Occupational Therapy Master of Sciences (MSc)
Occupational Therapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
One Health Master of Science (MSc)
Oral Biology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Oral Diagnosis And Radiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Oral Surgery Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Orthodontics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Orthopedic Physiotherapy Master of Science (MSc)
Orthopedic Physiotherapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pediatric Autoinflammatory Diseases Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Pediatric Dentistry Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pediatric Neuromuscular Disorders Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Pediatric Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Pediatric Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pediatric Oncology Master of Science (MSc)
Pediatric Orthopaedics and Pediatric Spine Surgery Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Pediatric Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Master of Sciences (MSc)
Pediatric Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Periodontology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmaceutical Botany Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmaceutical Microbiology (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Technology Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Pharmaceutical Technology Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Technology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmaceutical Toxicology Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmaceutical Toxicology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmacognosy Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmacognosy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmacology Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmacology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Pharmacy Management and Legislation Master of Science (MSc)
Pharmacy Management and Legislation Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physical Education and Sport Master of Science (MSc)
Physical Education and Sport Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Master of Science (MSc)
Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physiology Master of Science (MSc)
Physiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation In Pelvic Health And Women's Health Master of Sciences (MSc)
Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation In Pelvic Health And Women's Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Postmortem Morphologic Invetigations Master of Science
(MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Prosthetics, Orthotics And Biomechanics Master of Science (MSc)
Prosthetics, Orthotics And Biomechanics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Prosthodontics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Psychiatric Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Psychiatric Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Public Health Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Public Health Master of Science (MSc)
Public Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Public Health Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Public Health Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Radiation Therapy Physics Master of Science (MSc)
Radiation Therapy Physics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Radiopharmacy Master of Science (MSc)
Radiopharmacy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Registration Of Medicinal Products Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Rheumatological Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Master of Sciences (MSc)
Rheumatological Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Simulation in Health Sciences Master of Science (MSc)
Simulation in Health Sciences (Distance Education) Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis) (Distance Education)
Social Pediatrics Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Special Education Master of Science (MSc)
Speech and Language Therapy Master of Science (MSc)
Speech and Language Therapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Sport Sciences And Technology Master of Science (MSc)
Sport Sciences And Technology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Sports Physiotherapy Master of Science (MSc)
Sports Physiotherapy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Stem Cell Master of Science (MSc)
Stem Cell Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Stroke and Interventional Therapy Master of Science (MSc)
Surgical Nursing Master of Science (MSc)
Surgical Nursing Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Tumor Biology and Immunology Master of Science (MSc)
Tumor Biology and Immunology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Uro-oncology Master of Science (MSc) (Non-Thesis)
Vaccine Technology Master of Sciences (MSc)
Vaccine Technology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Vaccinology Master of Science (MSc)