Graduation Requirements with ORPHEUS Label – July 5, 2022 Institute Board (Students who started their PhD in the 2022-2023 Fall Semester and later)

Q slices of journals in SCI, SCI-Exp or SSCI should be declared only by 'Rank by Journal Impact Factor' for the year to which the article belongs, using Web of Science 'Journal Citation Reports'.


  • Publication requirements to take the doctoral thesis defence exam:

1. An article related to the thesis should be published or accepted in journals within the scope of SCI, SCI-Expanded, SSCI, or AHCI. The PhD student has to be the first author.

2. An article related to the thesis should be published or accepted in journals that are included in indexes other than SCI, SCI-Expanded, SSCI or AHCI and that are not considered predatory as announced by the Turkish Interuniversity Board on January 25, 2022 (national and/or international journals that do not charge fees in the application and evaluation processes) article. The PhD student has to be the first author.

3. An article related to the thesis should be published or accepted in journals that are included in indexes other than SCI, SCI-Expanded, SSCI or AHCI and that are not considered predatory as announced by the Turkish Interuniversity Board on January 25, 2022 (national and/or international journals that do not charge fees in the revision and re-evaluation processes) article. The PhD student has to be the first author.

* The Thesis Defense Juries are responsible for determining if publications meet the criteria for the ORPHEUS label. Approval for the label is granted by the Board of Directors of the Institute of Health Sciences.

** If a publication has been published or accepted in journals in the Q1 category according to WEB of Science, it can be accepted in place of three publications. If it has been published or accepted in Q2 category journals, it can be accepted in place of two publications.

*** A patent application related to the thesis that has reached the examination stage can be considered equivalent to an article published outside the Q1 category related to the thesis.

**** In order to assess the suitability of your publications for graduation with the ORPHEUS Label, you must complete and submit the "Publication Review and Evaluation Form" to the thesis defence exam jury along with the relevant publications.


Graduation Requirements with ORPHEUS Label – (Students who started their PhD before 2022-2023 Fall Semester)

  • Publication requirements to take the doctoral thesis defence exam:

1. An article related to the thesis should be published or accepted in journals within the scope of SCI, SCI-Expanded, SSCI, or AHCI. The PhD student has to be the first author.

2. An article related to the thesis that has been published or accepted in journals included in the indexes (*) to be determined by the Institute Board for a two-year period.

3. An article related to the thesis should be submitted for evaluation in journals that are included in the indexes determined by the Institute Board for a two-year period. The Thesis Monitoring Committee will review the article submitted for evaluation for publication.

* Indexes accepted by the Institute Board:

  1.  Academic Resurce Index
  2.  AERA
  3.  Australian Educatin Index
  4.  Ass
  5.  British Educatin Index
  6.  Csms
  7.  Cchrane Library (By Whiley nline)
  8.  Current Index T Statistics
  9.  DAJ
  10.  EBSC/Academic Search Cmplete
  11.  Educatin Full Text
  12.  Embase (Elsevler)
  13.  Emerging Surces Citatin Index (ESCI)
  14.  ERA
  15.  ERIC
  16.  Genamics Jurnal Seek
  17.  Ggle Schlar
  18.  HINARY (By WH)
  19.  Idealnline
  20.  Index Cpernicus
  21.  Internatinal Scientific Indexing
  22.  Jurnal Factr
  23.  PubMed
  24.  PrQuest
  25.  Research Bible
  26.  Scpus
  27.  Scientific Indexing Services
  29.  Sbiad
  30.  ULAKBİM
  31.  TÜBİTAK
  33.  Türk Eğitim İndeksi
  34.  WrldCat

** If a publication, where the PhD student is the first author, has been published or accepted in a Q1 category journal according to WEB of Science, it can be accepted in place of three publications. If it has been published or accepted in a Q2 category journal, it can be accepted in place of two publications.

*** A patent application related to the thesis that has reached the examination stage can be considered equivalent to an article published outside the Q1 category related to the thesis.

**** In order to assess the suitability of your publications for graduation with the ORPHEUS Label, you must complete and submit the "Publication Review and Evaluation Form" to the thesis defense exam jury along with the relevant publications.